–How does optimizing technology help you achieve business growth?
In 2022, we expect to see technology optimization as an ongoing trend as companies continue to rethink their strategy post-pandemic. From drive-thru to mobile app, optimizing the digital experience to create seamless and easy ordering is key to staying competitive in the current market, and that’s not going to change any time soon.
Though optimizing technology is a key piece on the front end, leaders need to be careful not to lose sight of the importance of technology integrations on the back end. Creating a seamless customer experience across multiple channels will drive more business to your door. However, if you don’t have the data to determine what’s working and what needs improved, you risk oversight on important quality and speed of service metrics that could ultimately hurt your reputation.
Let’s say you launched your new app. Your customer can easily order their favorite meals and pick up their order with minimal time-spent. Sales are up because you’ve made it easier for customers to buy from you. However, you’re receiving a lot of negative feedback due to speed of service, quality of food, or because you removed a certain item from your menu. What happened? You didn’t have the right data in place to help you make decisions or improvements on key metrics.
Optimizing Technology for Automated Reporting
Receiving the right data isn’t as easy as pushing a button in your point of sales and printing a report. Operators spend hours digging data out of Point of Sale (POS) and Back of House (BOH) systems, manipulating .pdfs and excel files to get leadership the reports they need. While those reports are necessary, the time spent getting there is a waste. Using the right reporting solution takes the heavy lifting off of you and your team’s shoulders. Whether investing in a software or a service provider, your solution should be able to retrieve the data from your store systems and organize it the way you need to see it. All of this happens automatically, optimally, and behind the scenes.
Imagine waking up every morning, pouring your coffee, and opening your email to find the latest data on your stores. You review your loss prevention dashboard, sales for the day before, the hottest selling menu items, and speed of service reports to gain insight into each store’s performance. You know where you need to hire, train, push marketing initiatives and make inventory adjustments all before you finish that first cup of coffee.
This kind of technology optimization not only helps you make better business decisions, it opens your store operators up to focusing on the items of the day that need their full attention. Imagine being able to direct your team with clear goals every day. By removing that friction among your team, your employees will have clear expectations allowing them to better serve your customers. What kind of difference would that make on your stores’ performance?
Optimizing Technology for Automated Payroll
Payroll is a time-consuming and tedious process, but it becomes especially complicated for multi-unit companies. Local labor laws, varying state taxes, and multiple employees create opportunity for costly mistakes. It’s important to have a system that allows your team to process payroll efficiently. Preferably without manual data entry.
Take a look at how you’re getting time and attendance data from your point of sale or timeclock system. How manual is this process? Consider investing in a technology that translates the data from your point of sale into your payroll system. By automating parts of the process, you eliminate mistakes and time spent on administrative tasks.
Optimizing Technology with BPO Services
At InfoSync, we have the ability to take data from multiple systems such as POS, BOH, or third party, and deliver it to our clients in a single reporting application called RightViewWeb. We can even extract the time and attendance data and import into your current payroll system. We’ve taken the time to invest in and build technology so leaders and teams can get the data they need daily, eliminating tedious report building and payroll data entry errors.
Want to learn more about leveraging BPO services for enterprise technology? Read our blog: BPO and Bundled Technology.
It’s just as important to create a seamless process for operations as it is to create a seamless experience for your customers. By optimizing technology and automating tasks, you and your team can focus on your customers and other high-priority items. Whether you build it yourself, buy a software, or leverage a BPO company like InfoSync, the investment is guaranteed to maximize productivity and performance.